Getting the car into two halves 23/04/05
Ok the shell was stripped, now was the time to get started on the main cutting and get the car into two halves, and to also try and get some plans for the project down onto paper, here are a few pics from the day, cheers again to everyone who's helped throughout the day
Wayne gets cracking straight away with the cutting

All the cuts are made and the car is in half, some plans are thought of

front half goes into the back lane with a for sale sign on it to add comical value, got planty of attention with the crowds going by to go to the match

A rear view of it

Chie gets in and starts stripping the last few bits from the rear half

Front end is cut down a bit more ready for when it is collected

After a bit or work, dash is out, roof has gone and so has the windscreen

We have a few ideas thrown out, and tested waynes idea of a k11 front bumper fitting the rear

At the end of the day both halfes are back in the yard

Last picture of the day