'Micrawave' BBQ Project
Getting us mopbile - Adding the towing framework
This is how the project started that day, nothing changed from the lasts pics taken

The bare insides

Myself on the right, with good friend lenny

Wayne and chie looking at how to mount the BBQ tray

Again from another angle. Old filing cabinet used to hold the coals for the bbq itself

My littlun was in on the action, she had a few things to say about all the noise, lol

the frame for the trailor is mounted on the unserside of the car, ready for welding. This was taken from a boat trailer.

"If it aint right use yer hammer"

All sorted and the main welding gets started

Welding completed, and the trailer goes out for a rolling test

Gives u a basic idea of the shape the project will be taking

Easy enough to pull along, we test it on the back of waynes car for ride height

Looks promising, once the suspension is slight raised to accomodate the bigger alloys it will sit alot straighter when being towed

The tiny 13" steelies are swallowed by the standard arches

Another angle of the inside, this whole interior will be s/s plated thanks to Crazy Developments

Short test on the back of the k10, right height is extremely low, this will be looked at during the next meet